Fastest , Easiest Way To Build, Grow & Scale

YOUR Shopify Stores Without Paying For Ads

& WITHOUT Being Held Hostage By Facebook's Unfair Ad Accounts Shutdowns


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 730+ clients trusted us, and they can make sales daily without ever getting suspended !

☝️Join Us And We Will Send You 100 New Buyers Every Single Day From Now On!☝️

💰 Financial Freedom Awaits

Has your fan page been blocked?

Discover the ultimate unfair hack to earn passive income from your shopify store, from anywhere in the world, WITHOUT spending a dime on ads. While other dumm store owners are fighting for scraps and making Facebook richer.

🔥 Make Sales On Autopilot

Learn what the single best business strategy for beginners to make E-com sales from day 1. Discover how you can get started right away and even make your first sale TODAY at no cost!

🚀 Earn $1,000 Payments

We build your email list FOR YOU, every single day and allow you to cash in fat sales and orders from your Shopify store. Some of our members record $1,000 pay days as complete beginners in their first 30 days!

⚡ You Get FREE Traffic Fast

Today YOU can get FREE laser targeted traffic every single day. Earn thousands of dollars in passive income WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT wasting time on social media

Get Unlimited Freedom

Reach financial freedom and peace of mind through email list building. Let us do all the heavy lifting for you and help you make huge profits with your Shopify store, even if you are just starting out.


We increased their profits and sales in as little as 24 hours with 98% success rate.

We help you make more sales, at no cost, and put more money in your pocket 💰


❌ Stop losing revenue every day

❌ Stop paying crazy money for expensive ads

❌ Stop stressing every day about getting banned

❌ Stop being held hostage by Facebook

❌ Stop putting your business in jeopardy

❌ Stop being limited by Facebook's policies

❌ Stop being limited by cashflow issues

❌ Stop making Facebook richer (it's your turn now)

✅ Make more sales on automation

✅ Make sales without spending a dime

✅ Increase your profit margins dramatically

✅ Scale your business faster & better

✅ Build a money making buyers list

✅ Protect your business against bans

✅ Promote whatever you want whenever you want

✅ Test as many new products as you want FAST!

Checkout How This System Made Me

$1,000,000+ In Sales Over The Years

Take Your E-Commerce Game To

The Next Level With Email Marketing

1 Cent Per Lead Is The Underground Fast-Track To Passive Income & Financial Freedom For E-commerce & Shopify store owners. Join us today to increase your profit margins and revenue WITHOUT having to spend your hard earned money on expensive ads👇


Warining - Offer Limited To The First 100 Lucky VIPs - Once We Reach 100 It's Gone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of results are our customers getting?

Our customers see the difference in theri life and business FROM DAY 1!

  • Their profits skyrocket since they pay less than a cent to acquire the leads 🚀
  • They build a super profitable list of repeat buyers who bring consistency in the business💰
  • They have amazing cashflow since they don't have acquisition costs ✅
  • They have peace of mind knowing that their business is not at the mercy of facebook 🌴
  • Many of our customers had huge pay day on their exit because of their buyers list 💯
  • They can literally print money by pressing a button and sending an email 📩
  • They have able to test products, better, faster - find winners and scale thanks to email ⚡
  • They save time, aggravation and money by having a fully automated process ⚙️

Do I need to pay every day or every month?

No, one single payment covers you for the WHOLE YEAR. and for the next 12 months, you don't need to spend a dime to acquire buyers! How cool is that?

In addition, for a limited time period, we have decided to give you a special deal and you get 2 MONTHS FREE. This means that each lead actually costs you less than a penny... $.008 to be exact. IT'S A NO BRAINER!

Which countries are the leads from?

We have been in the E-commerce business for the last decade and we know that the best and most profitable leads are from the US. This is why, 95% of the leads that you are getting are from the US and the rest from tier 1 countries like UK and Canada.

Where are the leads from? How do I know they are good?

The leads that you are getting every single day come from our "hot lead" pool. Every time one of our leads opts in for at least 2 different funnels, we tag them as hot leads. Every day, we take 100 of those hot leads and we share them with you.

Where & how to I receive the leads?

Once you join our secret society, you will get a 100 new hot leads, every single day, without fail, in your inbox. This will help you grow your business and make more money. After, you complete your order, there is nothing you have to do execpt sitting back, relaxing and getting your leads in the morning.

Who is this service for?

This service is for anybody who refuses to be held hostage by advertising networks and who don't want to be the idiot in the room who's business is in constant jeopardy. Most of our clients are e-commerce site owners who are sick and tired of wasting money on ads (that are increasingly more expensive) and tired of getting their ads account shutdown without any reason, explanation or even regard. Because we had to go through that painful experience, we created a service that will make sure that you don't have to go through this.

Take Your E-Commerce Game To

The Next Level With Email Marketing

Warining - Offer Limited To The First 100 Lucky VIPs - Once We Reach 100 It's Gone.

Who's behind this Secret Society?

Frank is an entrepreneur who built dozens of successful E-commerce stores. He has been in the industry for 10+ years and has consulted with thousands of e-commerce store owners over the years.

Today, he is opening a limited number of slots to his secret society of smart Shopify store owners. Make sure to GET IN NOW before it's too late...